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Contractor Agreement



[Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [First Name of recipient] [Last Name of recipient]
[Title of recipient]
[Company of recipient]
[Address of recipient]
[City of recipient], [State of recipient] [Zip Code of recipient]

Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [Last Name of recipient]:

Following is an outline of our agreement and a brief summary of the terms of the arrangement which we have discussed.

You have been retained by [Name of client] as an independent contractor until completion of the following project: [Description of project].

As an independent contractor, you are responsible for successfully completing the above project according to schedule, following specifications, and within the policy guidelines discussed.

The above project is to be completed by [Date project is due] at a
cost not to exceed the amount of $ [Maximum cost of project]. As per agreement, you will invoice us for your services rendered at the end of each month.

Any taxes, FICA, or other deductions which we are legally required to make from the pay of regular employees will not be withheld from your payments. As an independent contractor, you will not be entitled to any fringe benefits that would be offered to regular employees including unemployment insurance, medical insurance, pension plans, and other benefits.

Throughout this project you may be in contact with or directly working with proprietary information which is important to our company and its competitive position. All information must be treated with strict confidence and may not be used at any time or in any manner in work you may do with others in our Industry.

If you agree to the above terms, please sign and return one copy of this letter for our records. You may retain the other copy for your files.


Independent Contractor Date

Company Representative Date